Incident Management Protocols and Critical Tasks
The I.M.P.A.C.T. Violent Intruder Program
I.M.P.A.C.T. is a comprehensive program that develops emergency plans to integrate school capabilities and needs with those of the first responders. When developing a plan, we create a collaborative atmosphere where schools, police, fire and emergency management personnel collectively contribute to and determine the response plan. All plans are developed using local input. The resulting plan is realistic and not a "one-size-fits-all" template. IMPACT plans reflect the capabilities and needs of each community or organization, meaning that the plan is more likely to be used and will impart value in a real emergency.
Our philosophy is that time saved equals lives saved. We believe that most of the critical data is available prior to a critical incident but needs to be gathered, discussed and placed into a usable format. Our collaborative methodology ensures that the plan is agreed upon beforehand and accepted and clearly understood by the school and the public safety agencies who will be the first responders to an incident.
The resulting product will include first responder material such as personnel mapping, an incident command workbook, incident log and tracking material, as well as important information about the facility.
We also recognize that for a plan to be effective it should be readily available to all parties, understood, rehearsed and kept up to date along with the training and support to achieve those goals.
Synergy uses the most current computer generated satellite imagery and we also have an aerial division which conducts live flyovers of your facility to ensure that your material is as current as possible.
I.M.P.A.C.T. compiles vital site information to ensure quick and easy access during a critical incident.
· Contact information
· Utility information
· Individual building specifications
· Evacuation considerations
· Alarm locations
· Camera locations
· Traffic diversions
· And much more